That's the base of foot bridge high in the mountains in the hot-spring town of Tung-pu. I think it's supposed to represent the strength and importance of the local indigenous communities. Tung-pu was a beautiful place, but I was only there for a couple of minutes. I took a scooter ride there late last fall. From afar it looked like a town clinging to an alpine mountainside. This past weekend on our long drive we passed through an area called CingJing farms. It was quite a surprise because many of the buildings had been built in a distinctly European style. It freaked me out a bit. We didn't stop there. A few updates: I'm organizing to apply to a university in Taipei. I want to study for my masters in philosophy. I've been reading more
Heidegger and I've realized just how important it is to me. Chengchi University is the best place in Taiwan to study continental philosophy, Heidegger included. I'll try and keep up with these short posts, they only take about ten minutes.
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